Get out and get some fresh air!

Get out and get some fresh air!

Saturday, January 5, 2013


My goal with this blog is to help as many people as I can, to start a healthier lifestyle.  More than that, I want to help people see they can do it without the gym, if they so choose.

My name is Jared Evans, I am 27 years old and live in upstate NY.  My personal fitness journey began with my interest in martial arts when I was 16; I wanted to be in the best shape possible.  

I earned my 1st degree black belt and instructor certification in Kenpo Trap Fighting when I was 21 during my time in the military.  During my 4 year enlistment in the Air Force I was also a Physical Training Leader (PTL) and would lead physical conditioning sessions and administer PT tests.  Currently I am finishing my certification to be a fitness trainer (CFT) through the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA).  In addition to that I am in my Sophomore year for my B.S. in clinical exercise science.   I have had over 20 students while teaching martial arts as well as a few personal training clients.

I learned early on from my training that being strong, flexible and fast was required for a high level of performance.  Since then I have experimented with many different pieces of equipment, routines, diets and philosophies on fitness.  My interests have shifted over the years from training for endurance, speed, power, skill, muscle mass, leaning out, and so on.   I am by no means an expert, but what I can honestly say is I have a passion for this lifestyle. I believe whole heartedly that I can help those who just starting out and looking for guidance.

The fitness industry that has sprung up in this country is a result of an epidemic. As a nation we are more overweight than ever, and I want to help those who choose to better themselves. There are many myths and misconceptions about exercise out there, being spread around (innocently) maybe even by people who think they are actually helping. The purpose of this blog is to cut through the clutter and tell you what works.  My goal is to give you all the benefit of my experience, to save yourself wasted time and money so you don’t spend it on ineffective workouts and fad diets. 

Lastly I would like to say that the information I present is a reflection of my own unique experience, and is what has worked for me.  If something I say doesn’t jive with what your experience has been, take it with a grain of salt.  If you have heard something that is contrary to my point of view, look at the relevant research that has been done, if possible.  My point is, don’t take anyone’s word as gospel, (including mine) think critically, and do your homework.  I have to stress that anyone beginning an exercise regimen should consult their doctor for a clean bill of health before they start.  Lastly I will leave you with something one of my Professors told me,

 “No on guru, no one method, no one teacher.” 

Learn from everyone, and never stop.
I look forward to helping you improve your quality of life, and achieving your fitness goals, stay tuned.

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