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Get out and get some fresh air!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Motivation: Part 1

What gets you motivated?
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Hi again everyone, so for my second ever blog post, I tried to figure out where the fitness journey begins.  I think this is important because I want to help those of you who haven’t started but want to.  And even for those of you who are fitness enthusiasts or “health nuts” as you may have been called, it is something we should investigate. 

There are many different ways of looking at this, but I think what gets you started on the road to a healthier life is motivation.  Motivation is what will drive you to seek out information, make time for your workouts, skip the dessert, and continue to keep on going day after day.  You may know someone you admire who is in really good shape, who eats well and has the kind of personality that makes others happy and is always energetic.  And maybe you think, “How does he do it, how is he so motivated?”  Well I want to tell you that even if you think you can’t be motivated, you can- you just need the right fuel.

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What do I mean by fuel?  Well it’s my way of saying what gets your engine burning, that fire inside of you that drives you to do something, passion might be another way of putting it.  If you have never felt that way about working out, don’t worry, you can.  First of all, there are a million ways to work out, so it is important to explore your options.  If you think your options are limited to running on the treadmill for 45 minutes and doing machine exercises for your muscles, no offense but no wonder you aren’t motivated!  I find that boring too!  

But maybe you never thought of dance, or martial arts as a workout, but these are great ways to exercise.  Or what about some outdoor options like skiing, biking, kayaking, paddle boarding, or sports- beach volleyball, hockey, basketball, you name it.  Or maybe something like Crossfit, or swinging kettlebells or clubbells gets your heart pumping.  Whatever it is, you won’t know unless you explore your options so to get motivated, learn about as much as you can.

Now if you search, and you find something that motivates you to live better, don’t try to put a strangle hold on that one thing.  What I mean is, cross train.  If you find out you LOVE running, don’t just run and run, eventually you will burn yourself out, physically and mentally.  Try to do something else a couple times a week or whatever fits your schedule.  Try a yoga class or a spinning class to mix things up.  Not only will your body thank you for the new challenges allowing it to bust through plateaus, but your mind will be revitalized as well.  

And secondly, your interests will not always be the same.  If your interests change (and they will) over the course of your life, simply readjust.  Well I suppose it’s not always so simple, if you have invested a lot of time in martial arts for example, it may be difficult to let go when the spark fades.  I’m not suggesting we be flimsy or shallow in our pursuits, you must stick to your efforts to see results, no matter what you do.  But if you don’t have the same enjoyment for your sport or activity that you once did, let it go and find a new routine or hobby that DOES excite you again.

Me after Run For Your Lives in PA, most fun I've ever had running.

I’ll finish by saying that for me, my interests have changed many times, as I mentioned in my first post.  Currently though, what gets me to train when I’m feeling tired and sore is the thought of winning a shiny new medal at one of the many obstacle course races I am going to do this summer.  Some people may not find that to be terribly motivating and that is perfectly fine.  What motivates you is unique to who you are, and unless you are motivated by something morally abhorrent, who is anyone else to judge?  If you only want to work out to look good with your shirt off, and that gets you out of bed at 5AM and to the gym, I say good for you!  By the  way, everyone wants to look better, don’t let them fool you. 

So in summary- explore your options, find something you can enjoy or atleast hate less ;) and allow your interests to adjust over time to stay motivated.

I will leave you with a picture of my newest creation, my own obstacle course training wall to get ready for run for your lives, Spartan sprint, and warrior dash this season.  Maybe these races could be the perfect thing to get you moving too.

Obstacle race info links below

Explore your motivation…

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